I have an MA in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. I have done both hospice work and meditation for twelve years as ongoing practices in personal growth and development. My work with death and dying is a passion that informs and enriches my life more than any other single practice or study. In addition to my work as a psychotherapist, I facilitate groups with the objective of reducing fear and fostering knowledge and comfort around death and the dying process.
I have post-graduate training in Somatic Transformation, a method of psychotherapy that teaches us to work with the way the body holds memories and patterns of trauma. I also have an ongoing study and practice in Self-Relations psychotherapy, which provides a theory and way of working to integrate long-buried, valuable aspects of the self with the conscious self who conducts everyday life.
Other fundamental tools and life philosophies that weave themselves into my practice are:
- Non-Violent Communication – a way of communicating effectively and conjointly with others rather than from an oppositional position
- Council Practice – which likewise creates an open, respectful, and sacred space for communication and relationship.
© copyright 2008-2009 Tracy G Bell, MA, LMHC
"Perhaps everything that
frightens us is,
in its deepest essence,
something precious that
wants our love"
~ Rilke
About Me
I draw on a foundation in Jungian/Depth psychotherapy.
I have a personal meditation practice which greatly informs my work with myself and with clients.
Meditation helps to clear, calm, and steady the mind, and keeps the foibles of daily life in perspective with a bigger picture of human goodness and commonality. These footings form the basis for all of my work.